Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Last Two Weeks - Pretoria Steel Challenge - Logans Birthday - My Flu

You might have thought that I fell off the face of the earth but here I am playing catch up.
Pretoria Steel Challenge

Two weeks ago I was brought down with a heavy dose of flu - haven't been ill in years, but as usual that did not dampen my shooting spirit and Pretoria Steel Challenge could not keep us home.

As usual a lovely shoot and to top it all Richard and I won a couples competition and will be spending a weekend away at a game farm - More on that when I have the details. Thanks Gys - Much appreciated.

My Lovely Girls at the Party
Then we had Logan's Birthday - can't believe she is two already. We love that we could share this time with the family. We do not do a lot of family affairs as this is a very busy family but I must say that when we do these events it is a real treat.

And then there is the flu that has been hanging around but now seeing the end of it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

CGPSA League at Golden City

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Last Saturday was a league shoot at Golden City so all the
stages had official range officers out in their red tops which keeps you on your toes. The last thing you want is to be sent home for some silly ingringement - and they do watch. .

It was a scorching day with 9 stages. A few swingers, a hanging platform and one that was real strange where only one shot per paper target counted. It went against all instinct to not put your two shots on.

As usual we loved it.