Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compak World Championships - Hungary.

It was such good news when we heard that Richard had made the South African Team
to shoot in Hungary.

Compak is so organized that they make shooters that did not qualify for the team also take part so that they feel part of this event - guess who is going  in the Compak Team.

So at the beginning of June we started the arrangements.

Most important was the gun permit that now no longer gets issued at the Airport within ten minutes. No No - this now get applied for at your local DFO, goes to Johannesburg, then Pretoria, then finds it's was back to you if you are lucky.

Today we are 60 days into the process and we do not know where our permit is. Holding our breath so that we have shotguns to shoot with.

All other arrangements are in order - just waiting for the visas to get back.

Count down has  begun.

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